Friday, November 30, 2012

Just Wanna...

Just wanna say thanks to you for trusting me making you a cup of coffee everyday...

Aku tau kopi yang kubuat tiap harinya ga stabil. Dan pasti ga seenak racikan kopi buatanmu sendiri. But you always want me to make u a cup of coffee your wife... I'm glad you trust me for that..

Hahahaha..walaupun kuyakin rasanya tiap hari pasti beda, tapi kamu memilihku untuk bikinin kamu kopi tiap hari...

Sama denganku,,, yang memilihmu untuk bikinin aku susu bumil tiap malamnya... Walaupun rasanya tiap hari ga stabil.. Still, I love it..

Thanks for that, my love.. ♥♥♥♥

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Hate u. Love u. Fuck u.
What the fuck!
Kenapa hal kecil aja ditanggapi dengan amarah?! What the fuck!!!!
Just want to throw all the things at u and shout all the hell in front of u!!!!! Just hate u throw ur temper like that! Like the one u talk to doesn't have any feeling at all. Just hate u to do so! Fuck u! Screw u! Go fuck urself!

Friday, November 23, 2012


Akhir-akhir ini jadi sering ngerasa kecapekan dan sakit..

Badannya rasanya pegel-pegel..

Kepalanya sering banget sakit lagi..

Tulang punggung bagian bawah juga sering sakit. Mau bangun dari posisi tidur rasanya susah banget. Pas di tempat tidur juga mau gerak ke sana kemari susah..

Sedih jadinya..

Rasanya capek :(

Sunday, November 18, 2012


Kemaren adalah kali pertama aku usg dan ngeliat image kicil dah berbentuk baby..

Ngeliat kepalanya, badannya, tangannya yg kicil, kakinya yg gerak-gerak..


Jadi penasaran nunggu saat kicil keluar nanti..tapi juga tau apa yg bakal terjadi nanti..

Semoga aja semua berjalan dgn baik..semuanya..semuanya..

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Kasian kamu, nak.. Dah ikut bantuin mama kerja tapi kondisi mama malah ga bagus buat kamu..

Semoga mama bisa nafsu makan lagi ya, sayang.. Mama kasian sama kamu, kicilku..

Friday, November 9, 2012

Happy.. Happy..

Hehehheeee... Happy.. Happy..
Akhirnya bisa juga nge-post di blogspot via bb...


*sent via my bb*

Suatu Siang di Sabtu Itu

Hampir setiap Sabtu siang, di perjalananku pulang dari kantor menuju rumah, aku melewati jalan ini--jalan ringroad utara yg berbelok ke arah Tajem. Di sekitar sudut jalan, hampir selalu kulihat bapak ini--atau mungkin lebih tepat kupanggil kakek, menilik dari penampilannya yang sudah renta.

Saat aku lewat jalan itu, beliau selalu duduk di trotoar, di titik yang sama. Di sisinya terlihat sepeda roda tiga--yang kusimpulkan merupakan alat transportasi yang 'membawa' beliau ke titik itu.

Entah apa tujuan beliau selalu berada di situ--tak pernah kutanyakan. Apakah beliau sedang menunggu seseorang? Sedang mengenang masa di mana beliau (mungkin) merebut tempat itu dari tangan penjajah? Atau beliau hanya ingin bersantai sejenak menghabiskan waktu?

Apa pun alasannya, satu hal yang pasti, beliau telah membuatku memperlambat laju motorku dan bertanya-tanya, kehidupan seperti apa yang telah beliau jalani.

This is just a trial post

This is just a trial post..

Could I send a blogspot post via blackberry device? :)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I sometimes wondered why I got married, since I never placed marriage as a priority of my life. After thinking so many times, I thought that I got married only because I wanted to have a company in my house. Knowing that I didn't live alone was a relieving thought. I never thought to have a marriage in the first place, just wanted someone to accompany me when I needed someone.
Poor him?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Kapan Beli Hape??

Gara-gara tadi siang ke Gramedia, dan ngomongin e-book sama inunk, tiba-tiba aku ngerasa sedih karena hapeku yg sekarang ini g bisa dipake buat apa-apa selain SMS n telepon.. hiksss...

Aku kan sering nyimpen e-book di hape ya dan sering browsing apa-apa di internet, jadi dengan kondisi hape yg "sakti" kayak gini, aku rasanya sedih bener...

Sebenernya kemaren-kemaren sih g masalah, walaupun dalam hati emang pengen beli BB, tapi tiba-tiba inget kebiasaanku nyimpen e-book di hape, dan jadi sedih..

Akhirnya sore ini tadi browsing hape lewat cicub, g jadi tertarik sama BB, tapi malah pengen beli Nokia Asha 305.. Semoga aja bulan ini kesampean, terlanjur jatuh cinta sih.. :D

Friday, July 27, 2012

Akhirnya Ambruk Juga

Setelah dalam beberapa bulan yang hectic ini aku selalu bilang, "Aku ga papa, aku ga bisa sakit," akhirnya aku nyerah juga..

Dari pagi kemaren, tenggorokanku sakit, plus kedinginan di kantor seharian--yang ini sih dah sering. Jadi selama kerja, aku pake jaketku yang tebel itu, plus aku tutupin tudungnya.

Pulang kerja, aku dah nggak kuat lagi. Aku nyerah dan bilang ke my hubby, "Aku pengen ke dokter. Badanku dah ga enak banget." Alhasil, sama dokternya disuruhlah aku istirahat, karena walaupun badanku kemaren belum panas, dah tampak tanda-tanda bahwa suhu badanku akan naik.

Dan akhirnya, setelah berbulan-bulan jadi tough fighter, akhirnya aku mengaku bahwa sekarang aku akhirnya ambruk juga..

Lumayan nih, istirahat dua hari--tiga hari sih kalo disambung sama Minggu. Tapi ya liat nanti lah.. Soalnya ada kemungkinan ortuku mau dateng weekend ini, plus mau pindah2an kosnya my hubby.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Jari Tengah or Telunjuk Yaaaa??

Aku baru aja dikasih cincin ini sama ibu mertua. Rencananya emang mau aku pake terus buat menghargai--as you see, skrg aku pake kalung dari my dad, liontin dari my mom buat menghargai mereka, jadi kalo pas ketemu, g ditanya: kok kalungnya g dipake?

Singkat cerita, aku juga pengen pake cincin ini dari ibu mertua--cincin kawinku malah g kupake.. :D Tapi masalahnya adalah lingkar cincinnya kegedean....dah aku coba di tangan kiri dan kanan... Bahkan di jari tengah tangan kanan--yg notabene adalah tangan aktif--aja masih kegedean.

Pertanyaanku: aneh g sih kalo cincin dipake di jari telunjuk? Kayaknya kok aneh ya.. Pengen pake di situ karena emang pasnya di situ, tapi kok aneh ya..

Akhirnya sampe sekarang masih aku pake di jari tengah tangan kanan, dan masih kegedean. Oglak oglek ksna dan kemari tiap tanganku gerak :D

Atau aku harus gemukin jariku sedikit ya biar pas.. Tapi cuma jarinya aja, pleassseeee,,, Jangan yang lain-lain, aka puyut :D

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Early Bird Catches the Worm

I have been living in this new neighborhood for about 3 months. Formerly, I lived in boarding houses which were about eight to nine kilometers away from the place I'm living right now. Because I start to make new living in this area, I have to find new shops or businesses I probably need.

And as I am kind of lazy washing my clothes, I eagerly looked for new laundry spots to fulfill my needs. The first laundry spot I found was exactly beside the housing I am living in. I tried to put my dirty clothes there. However, unluckily, every time I tried to retrieve my clothes--usually at 4:30 pm, as I got back from work--I found the shop was closed and would be opened again after 6:30 pm. I found it disappointing since in my opinion, it would be more practical if I could retrieve my clothes just as I got back from work. Another disappointing point was the shop opened after 8 am, in which I would have already long gone for work.

Because of that, I tried to find another laundry services that could fulfill my needs. And then I found this laundry service. The place was not as close as the previous laundry service I found; however, I could bring my dirty clothes while I went to my work and dropped them in that laundry service. Moreover, I could retrieve the cleaned ones while I got back to home from work. I found it quite satisfying since I could find suitable time for me to drop or retrieve my clothes.

Nevertheless, what shocked me more was that that laundry service opened since 6:00 am. That was why I found it already opened while I went to my work at about 7:00 am. While another business--or laundry services in this case--was not ready yet to receive any customers in that early morning, this laundry service took the opportunity to "steal" the market.

In my opinion, the strategy to open the service a lot earlier than any other services was quite successful as customers--in this case I--found it really helpful. As a result, I would likely use that service more and more than any other laundry service.

So, yes, the early bird catches the worm, as people said. One satisfied customer--I--would use that service again and again because it was the first bird woke up in the morning.

Monday, July 23, 2012

A Dog Can Also Feels Disturbed--I Suppose

I have a neighbor who has a dog--a teckel (dachshund) called Cilla. She is quite a spoiled dog, I suppose, since she barks--not exactly barks, more like cries--almost all the time, especially at afternoon and night, when the owners are not at home.

One night, when my husband and I were at the back of our home working at the iron shelf, Cilla couldn't stop barking--crying and moaning to be exact. As usual, I felt disturbed when she acted like that since I wasn't really a dog person--actually I wasn't any pet person. I complained about her in my heart.

Unexpectedly, my husband--who already felt tired coming home from work and still had to work at sawing the iron rods--also felt disturbed about her and started complaining to me about how spoiled she was. I said to him that she often cried and moaned like that when her masters were away and I myself kind of hated that too.

Still feeling disturbed and complaining, my hubby continued sawing the iron rod, producing quite noisy sounds. Then my hubby and I accidentally noticed that every time he made noisy sounds, Cilla would also made some noise. Yet still, he felt disturbed of the noise Cilla made.

At some point, when my hubby made no noise, Cilla would also become silent. Then my hubby and I tried to notice that behavior. That made us came to conclusion that maybe Cilla felt disturbed of the noise made by my hubby and tried to scream telling us to stop making noise since she wanted to take a rest.

Quite funny though, coming to that conclusion. But who knows that maybe it was true. And since I never had any pets, I couldn't make sure whether the conclusion I made was true or just non sense. However, I quite enjoyed that conclusion myself. Dogs can also feel disturbed of us--human.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012


I'm already married..

Unexpectedly, I'm already married..

Akhirnya nikah juga tanggal 15 Juli kemarin, walaupun hal ini bahkan belum terpikirkan 3 bulan yang lalu..
Lega banget akhirnya semua urusan beres..
Acara di gereja dan di gedung akhirnya berjalan lancar (in my opinion)..
Dan urusan bayar-membayar dah beres..

Rasanya legaaaaa banget..
Sekarang tinggal urusan angkut-angkut pindahan dari kos ke rumah..

Dan urusan nabung-nabung biar bisa beli rumah...or at least bisa bayar rumah kontrakan tahun depan..


Friday, June 29, 2012


I'm so terribly very sick of this shit. Mau married aja urusannya ribet banget yak. Capek :(

Monday, June 25, 2012

First Session

I once heard that being busy preparing the wedding, the bride (and also the bridegroom) often forgets the essence of the marriage itself. Maybe that is what happens in my life recently. I am so busy preparing my wedding, not only have to go here and there checking everything, but also being worried if the wedding will go smoothly or not. It actually really squeezes my brain, since I just can’t stop worrying.

I really worry that the foods that I book aren’t enough for the guests. I worry about the mass, the text, and the songs for the mass. I still have to think of finding someone to become the MC of the reception. I still have to prepare rooms for guests that probably come overnight.

I still have a lot of things in my mind that I just can’t think about it.

So yes, the hectic of preparing the wedding really take my concentration that I can’t have enough time or even energy to prepare my mental, to prepare myself entering the new life. I even don’t have enough energy to ask myself, “Am I really ready to give my whole life—the rest of my whole life—to this young man with all the consequences? Am I ready to bear children, to educate them, to train them to differentiate the wrongs and the rights? Am I ready to be responsible for other people lives? Am I ready to be responsible to earn more and more money to cover my family’s needs?”

I am like out of my energy, my emotion. Thinking of just giving up right here. Thinking of tired of this and just can’t handle it.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Little Me

I'm getting married.
Yes, I'm getting married--even if I never expected that I would get married this soon.
Yes, I'm getting married--even if I still feel that I'm in the middle of nowhere.
Yes, I'm getting married--even if I still feel afraid of my future in my next future-with a husband, children, and a bunch of responsibilities of others' futures and lives.
Yes, I'm getting married--even if I think of quitting right here, right now.

But, yes, I'm getting married.

Ready or not. *sigh*

But all in all, this is my decision, ready to build a family, ready to live with others, ready to share my happiness and my sorrow with others, ready to be more responsible, ready to alter my dreams into another dreams, ready to face all the reality..

Here I am, with all my weaknesses, all my whine, all my hesitation..
Here I am, have to be ready for all the consequences of my choice..

Here I am, with me and my happiness of getting new life..

Here I am, learning to accept myself, including my incapability to cope all the things in the world..

Hwaiting, my love ♥

Friday, June 22, 2012

Why So Cheerful?

Why does this blog look so cheerful?

That's the first thought came to my mind when I decided to create another blog. I usually place myself in a very gloomy place when it comes to writing a blog. Why? Because I intended to express my dark side--the dark spot in my heart that I couldn't express them anywhere else.

So, why this blog becomes so cheerful? Yeah, I made it intentionally, to express all sides of me--not only the dark side, but all the cheerful side, the thoughtful side, the smart side, and even the stupidest side of me.

And I love the result! This blog, as long I notice, is very different from any other blogs I have (or no longer have). Let's keep it that way!

Cheers ^^

And It Begins

I, as long as I know me, have identified myself as an introvert, pathetic, little person who has nothing in mind. But then I realized that i have so much thoughts wandering in my mind. Happy, sad, angry, thoughtful, precious, and even unimaginable thought.

That's why then I decided to create another blog--this blog--as a trial and error blog to stimulate my mind. To stimulate my brain to express the unspoken thoughts.

Soooo, I hope this blog can be as cheerful, black, and confusing as I am..

Enjoy me!